There is always light at the end of the tunnel
And some oil left at the end of the funnel
Life isn't all that bad mate... There maybe custom checks, but there is also a GREEN CHANNEL!
When cash dries and hankies become wet
When system admins sit on Firewalls and block your net
When you don't get tickets to your favourite show
And when the maid doesn't report 3 days in a row
When a flat tyre greets you while you are already getting late
And when your Girlfriend plays dutch on a planned date
When the going gets tough and the tough gets going
When you travel by a train while dreaming of a Boeing
When the party has a bad DJ and the drinks taste like soup
When bad grades in college keep coming in a loop
When life seems dull and worth living no more
Remember what I said before you begin to snore
There is always light at the end of the tunnel
And some oil left at the end of the funnel
Life isn't all that bad mate.There maybe custom checks, but there is also a GREEN CHANNEL!
And there is always hope till we die :)
I agree...
lovely poem ya!
though laced with humor, this is the attitude we need right now!
cheers and heres wishing ourselves good times ahead! green channel it is
wow!! someone has officilaly become a poet!
loved this piece of work!
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