Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Give me REDDDD!!

It will be sometime before I get used to the blogging ways. I visited some of the blogs and should I say I was bowled over by the effort that went into them! Its not only about writing, its also about organizing thoughts and laying them out in a user friendly way.

"Why do people jump red lights?" - I have asked myself this question time and again. Okay, since I am also a part of the 'people', Let me ask myself - "Why do I jump red lights?"

These are some of the answers that strike me:

1. It gives me sheer pleasure. In fact nothing beats the pleasure of having successfully jumped a red light. It gives me a feeling of superiority that I am smarter than the poor guys who follow the rules.

2. I suffer from colour blindness and often confuse Red with Green. Usually that colour blindness lasts till the time I am driving. I do not bring red vegetables home when my wife asks me to get fresh green ones.

3. I had already had the frustration of waiting at 3-4 red lights in a row and I just can't bear the stress anymore. So, I decide that no matter what the next one is going to be, I WILL cross it anyway.

4. Last but not the least, the ubiquitous phenomenon the world thrives on - "I am getting LATE!!".
Yes Yes! MY time is important. My bachcha is waiting for me home hoping Pappa dear will bring him some lollipops he promised. I am having a business meeting with Bill Gates and he has already waited for a good 35 minutes. After all, he too is a busy man like me. My wife has been waiting with the samosas she prepared for the evening naashtaa and has threatened she would feed me the same in dinner if I got late. So, you get my point right??


Harjeet Kaur said...

Amit...even I love to do that!! My friends and guys are scandalized.But actually i get a vicarious a thrill out of it and it is a high too.
The reasons are just not valid enough:) Breaking rules is the high and keeps he child in us alive!
Different post once again!!

Rohit Sharma said...

Good to know that.
I never jump red lights and I mean NEVER.

Lage Raho.

Amit said...


I didnt know that!
But I guess we need to control the temptation :)

Thanks for the visit again!

Amit said...


Good to know you never jump red lights..

I would LOVE to go on a long drive with you!

Thanks for the visit!

Mama - Mia said...


i jump signals only when its really late while getting home!! thats too a light i know is not dangerous to jump at the last minute!

i find the habit very irritating though! :(



Amit said...


Oh! Aisa kya? Waise in Bengaluru, how prevalent is the disease of jumping red lights? Would you survive in Noida??

But,its always DANGEROUS to do so..No matter how much we are getting late..
